Type of Service Engineering, Procurement and Construction Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management Project and Construction Management
Responsibility Contractor handles full project lifecycle: design, materials, construction Contractor manages project while client arranges resources Contractor represents client, assuming agency on behalf of client
Decision Making Authority Contractor responsible for projects delivery Contractor advises; client holds responsibility Contractor advises; client holds responsibility
Risk Contractor bears higher risk Client bears more risk but has control over decisions Contractor pushes more risk onto service providers to de-risk client position
Project Control Contractor has more control over project details Client maintains greater control over project aspects Client maintains complete control over project aspects
Cost Fixed cost; changes may lead to cost escalation More cost control, potential for client savings Client in control of cost; contractor advises decisions to the betterment of the overall project
Procurement Contractor handles procurement of materials Client manages procurement, under contractor guidance Client manages procurement, under contractor guidance
Change Management Less flexible in accommodating client changes More flexibility to adapt to client's changing needs Client in control of change; contractor advises decisions to the betterment of the overall project